Saturday, October 16, 2010

Product Review #1

Yesterday I was thinking about what the next topic should be for my blog. I seriously had no clue. And then a thought came to mind. Product reviews. As stated in my last post, I spend money kind of foolishly sometimes. If I see a product that looks like it will benefit me, I will probably give it at least one try. Today I am going to blog about my new favorite lotion.
I battle with dry skin, particularly eczema. I've tried to find many different lotions that would help me. For a while, I used this lotion. I thought it was great, until one day I realized that it didn't fully set into my skin. So, if I happened to get an itch, the lotion would end up in my nails. Who wants that? That's gross and a waste of money if you ask me. I also tried some body butter. While, I smelled great, it felt like I had taken a stick of butter and just slabbed it on. Yeah, that's a GREAT way to feel underneath your clothes. I also tried various lotions from Victoria's Secret(they smell realllllyyyyy good, but don't quite do the job on moisturizing.), Bath and Body Works, and numerous other drugstore brand lotions. Around this time last year, I got HOOKED on :

O.M.G. Not only does this stuff moisturize, but the smell made me feel like God took me up to preview heaven for just a few minutes. I bought it consistently for a few months(well, maybe close to a year) and used it everyday. But then I had a rude awakening. I was spending $15 every time. While I felt like I was getting what I paid for, I knew that I couldn't keep spending that every few weeks. So, I tried to take advantage and stock up when they had the buy 3, get 3 free sale. Pretty decent deal if you ask me. I made myself stop buying it and use it occasionally. So, I was back to the search of finding a good lotion.
One day I was in my beloved Target and stumbled upon....TADA!!!

The first thing that caught my eye was Itch Defense. I was constantly finding that I was always itchy during the day, no matter how much lotion I put on. For a while, I thought that maybe I was allergic to something. I even switched to wholesome no fragrance detergent, but that didn't seem to do the trick. The second thing that caught my eye was National Eczema Association Accepted on the bottom. Um. I can't tell you how fast I grabbed that thing off of the shelf. I couldn't wait to try it. The next morning after my shower, I put it on and waited for it to work its magic. The whole day went by and not a single inch of itch. PRAISE THE LORD!! I waited a while before I could say that it actually did it's job. With my luck, I would tell somebody about it and the next day I would break out in hives from it. (That's an extreme example, but you get my drift.) Lucky for me, the lotion actually proved itself. I am itch free! (That sounds like an advertisement for an STD treatment.)And also moisturized without feeling like I took some butter and slabbed it all over me.
Ah, it's the small victories in life. =)


Screech Owl said...

That was witty. lol