Sunday, July 1, 2012

Peace of mind.

HEEEYYYYYYYY! I'm back! Did you miss me??????? I know you did. I'm really tired at the moment, but I figured it was time to crank out a new post. Ready? Here it goes... A few months to a year ago, I noticed that a freckle on my leg had gotten bigger and darker. I didn't really do much about it. When I realized it was not going to change, not going to get smaller, I figured it was time to get it checked out. I'm one who tries to take care of her skin. I haven't been blessed in the beautiful skin department, but I make an effort to try to treat it well. I was also born with pale ghost skin, so I make sure that I use sunscreen, even down to my moisturizers having SPF in them. I had an appointment already scheduled with my dermatologist, so I figured I would just bring it up. She told me that when patients tell her that something about their skin has changed, she believes them. She also told me that past age 21, it's time to start taking random spots seriously. So. She took out a small chunk of my leg to do a biopsy. It didn't really hit me that I actually had a biopsy done until I saw the gaping wound left over in my leg. I have a high pain tolerance, but I don't do well with blood and wounds. They make me queasy. I was ok, but then the "Oh Crap" thoughts came into my head. I could have cancer. I normally will tell my friends to keep me in their prayers when things like this come about, but this time I decided not to. The last thing I ever want to have to do is smack somebody across the face with the "Guys, I have to tell you something. I have cancer." speech. NEVER EVER. If any of my friends told me that they have cancer, I would be an emotional mess. I kept it to myself and waited for the results. You know what? Even though I had a few thoughts of the "oh crap", I was incredibly calm. I can't really explain it. Maybe b/c I knew that no matter what, I would be ok. That if I did end up having cancer, I'd have a support system. And that if I didn't have cancer, I'd have people thanking God for my wellness. Most importantly, I knew that God had me in His hands no matter what. A week and half passed and I called the office to find out my results, as instructed. They put me on hold and I held my breath. The receptionist came back on the line and said "You results were perfectly normal. Just a regular mole." I thanked her and hung up and then thanked God for keeping me well. I'm not sure why this little annoyance happened it my life, but maybe it was a reminder to always be thankful for being healthy. Or even a reminder to trust God and remember that He has everything under control, even if it may seem out of OUR plans. B/c remember, all things work together for our good. If you're a friend and you know me in real life, don't take offense to me not telling you. I kinda just felt like it was something I needed to keep to myself unless it was serious. I hope you can respect that. If you're mad, just think about the ugly scar I'm gonna have on my leg from the biopsy. That's your payback. =) AND OH YEAH!!! People, pay close attention to your skin. You just never know. And ALWAYS WEAR SUNSCREEN!!! I don't care how dark you are. I have an excuse b/c I'm freaking a quarter polish, but seriously- wear it. We all need it. Skin cancer is not racist.


Sweet P said...

Hey you!

So happy that it was nothing serious. Always good to check anything out of the ordinary with your body.

And God is awesome!! Thanks for that testimony ;)


Chris-Chris said...

Thanks, Phyllis!