Monday, March 8, 2010

I promised you an update.

Hi all.
Like I said, I would update on my progress on getting my life together, so here it goes.
It has been a full 8 days since I last logged into facebook. 7 down, 24 more to go. I'm not gonna lie, it has been slightly difficult, but I have been faithful. I know so many people are having babies(My friend Erma! I can't wait to meet your little guy!) and I want to see their pictures, but I will have to wait until April 1st! When I go online, I find myself saying "Wow, I save a lot of time NOT being on facebook." It's amazing how MUCH time I was spending on there. It's ridiculous. I have found myself going on my blog to see if anyone commented and I will click on the "Next Blog" link on the top left of the screen. Some peoples' blogs are quite interesting. For some reason, I keep landing on people writing about their families, and having babies and what not. Good thing is that a lot them seem to have my sense of humor, so I like that they can make me laugh.

I went to zumba for the second time Saturday morning. I wish I could take this class everyday. I actually feel like I'm getting a good workout and the hour goes by so fast. Only thing is that the instructor had us doing a lot of hip shaking and I seriously feel like I pulled something. Great, I sound like an old lady. But in all seriousness, I was in so much pain Saturday night that I couldn't even walk straight. My friend and I went out for dinner and we stopped at Target(my favorite) afterwards and we were walking around and she said "Christina, you must be in pain, b/c you look so awkward right now." LOL. I went for a walk yesterday afternoon b/c it was so stinkin' gorgeous outside and I was hurting. Um? From a walk? I also attempted to go to the gym tonight and I got through almost 22 minutes on the elliptical and I had to get off. I usually do an hour. I don't know what I did, but it needs to go away b/c I shouldn't hurt when I bend over. Seriously. So what to do? Should I wait it out? Should I go to the dr? I guess we'll see.
As far as eating goes: My friend made me dump out my mint truffle kisses, which I may add, only come out during Christmas time. I bought 2 bags b/c I love them so much. I'm glad she made me do it b/c I don't have any control when it comes to those kind of things. I cannot have just one. Do you know what chocolate does to a girl? Never mind mint chocolate! Anyway, I did not do good today. It was beautiful when I left for work this morning and I felt the need to get an iced caramel macchiato. #1, b/c I didn't have breakfast, and #2, They just taste good. Then I had McDonald's for lunch. Bad idea. I think my butt grew bigger just from looking at that food. So! Tomorrow, I will do better. I really just need to throw out everything sweet and not even attempt to go to places like starbucks and McDonald's. McDonald's! What was I thinking! It's like asking for a heart attack.

Moneywise, I have been doing ok. I got my first attack on Friday. I logged into my bank account and saw that it was overdrafted by $200! WHAT! I was freaking out. Apparently, the payment that I swear I had put in for the 10th, I had put in for the 4th. I don't really know why that happened b/c I wouldn't have scheduled the payment for a time when there wasn't enough money in my account to cover it. Thank goodness I have a savings account attached to my checking. I just put the money back in my savings account, so I guess it's not too bad, but I just felt stupid. Guess I just need to be more careful. I did go shopping on Saturday. I'm not proud of myself, but I did need a dress for easter and that's all I'm gonna say.

Jobwise, I did find a job with the DC-CAP. It would be cool to work with this organization b/c they stand for somehting that I believe in. I think higher education is important(although not for all) and it would great to work with people who feel the same way. I just had to put together a salary history(I never did one before) and will print everything out and it will go in the mail tomorrow! (This place requires snail mail.)

That is all. I will keep you updated. Now for something non-updated related.
Many of you have seen the new "We Are the World" video and all I have to say is WHY! I was only a year old when the original song came out, but I prefer that one. I mean, who wouldn't?
Seriously, Miley Cyrus, Lil Wayne, Wyclef( I don't care if he's haitian, he does not need to be on that song. It makes my ears bleed. I'm not sorry either. There are other ways to represent your country.)and my favorite, T-Pain. What have we become?
People don't even know real talent anymore.
I'm done.